OS: Debian 11 (Bullseye) https://youtu.be/SRAr0eaWZBs You have seen my tutorial of Local Port Forwarding and should have a basic understanding of how SSH Tunneling work. If you have not seen the tutorial you can go to the link below on how to setup local port...
SSH Tunneling -Local Port Forwarding – Debian 11
SSH Tunneling or SSH port forwarding is a way where you can access application leveraging on the SSH ports and tunnel in the event that you do not want to open additional ports on your firewall. In this tutorial I am going to show you how...
Enabling SSH Key Login
OS: DebianSSH: OpenSSH 8.2p1 Enabling SSH Key Login is a great way of protecting your SSH access to the cloud server. In the event that you still prefer password login (For convenience if you access the SSH server from multiple machine and does not want to port your...
Umbrella SIG Tunnel with Fortigate 60F
In this tutorial, I will show you how to configure Cisco Umbrella SIG tunnel to Fortigate 60F in your lab environment. First, I will show you how to configure Cisco Umbrella SIG, followed by Fortigate 60F. I will also show you where you can see the status and the logs...
Grep and cut Command by example with SSH logs – Brute Force
Linux: Debian 11 Grep is a very useful tools to quickly look through logs and text file. In this tutorial by example I will go through some useful commands and options that you can use to quickly get the ip address and username that is use to brute force your ssh...
Python 3.9.2 – File and Exception – SSH Brute Force IP address
Python is one of the most commonly use scripting tools. As a cyber security professional it is always good to have a few scripting language up your sleeve. It is always important to be able to understand simple logs and use a scripting tool to get high level...
Python 3.9.2 – Taking input from command line – using sys module
The sys module is a common python module to handle system inputs and commands. sys.argv is the list of command line arguments that are passed into the Python program. argv represents all the input that are entered into the command line. It is an array that hold the...
Mount additional hard disk in Ubuntu 20.04 – Contabo
To mount additional hard disk in Ubuntu in Contabo. You will need to have root privilege to do it.Use fdisk to identified the disks in the system. Below is the link for the official guide https://contabo.com/blog/mounting-additional-hard-disks-linux/ fdisk -l If the...
Contabo – Fixing Console not working after installing GDE such as xfce4. – Ubuntu 20.04
Stuck at the above screen after you reboot your Ubuntu 20.04, this is a very common problem when you install Graphical Desktop Environment (GDE) such as xfce4, lightdm, Ubuntu Desktop etc in your Linux Environment. If you face the same issue. For those of you who have...
Assigning static IP Address to Guest VM in a nested KVM – Ubuntu 20.04
You can always manually configure the ip address of your guest VM especially you are going to expose the guest VM in your KVM or you can configure to use DHCP to assign a static ip address base on the virtual machine virtual MAC address. List the available network by...