Month: February 2023

How to disable password for sudo command

Disable password for sudo command has its risk and convenience so do assess the risk for your environment before disabling it. I usually disable it in my test/lab environment as the risk is lower there and I do not want to keep entering password for sudo commands. Of...

Windows 10 – Create Template using Sysrep

Creating Windows machine template has become important part of automation and testing. In this tutorial I will cover different aspect of creating a VM template. This similar for VMWare, OracleBox, KVM and most general virtualization technology. Depending on how you...

Changing Ubuntu 22.04 Hostname through CLI

Changing Ubuntu 22.04 Hostname through CLI

Here are the steps to change the Ubuntu hostname. To check your current hostname and summary of your machine. hostname hostnamectl There a few ways to change your hostname. sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <new hostname> # Manually changing it in the hostname file...

Bash Prompt in Linux – Change the prompt temporally

OS: Linux You should be familiar with Bash prompt if you are a linux user. Whenever you start a terminal the command line interface of the Linux server you should be using Bash as a default unless you have change the default shell to something else. Bash prompt is set...

Install KVM on Ubuntu 22.04 Server

Install the cpu-checker to check if your system support virtualization. sudo apt install -y cpu-checker Run the command to see if the sys kvm-ok Install all the necessary packages. sudo apt install -y qemu-kvm virt-manager libvirt-daemon-system virtinst...