In Ubuntu (and Linux in general), "free" refers to the amount of unused RAM (Random Access Memory) available on your system, which you can check using the "free" command in the terminal; essentially, it...
Ubuntu 22.04 – Check disk usage – df | du In Ubuntu, "df" stands for "disk free" and is a command used to display the amount of available disk space on a mounted file system, essentially showing how much free space is currently available on your system. df...
Ubuntu 22.04 – Check how long the system has been running – uptime Use the following command to check how long the system has been running uptime
Ubuntu 22.04 – What is Bash and its config
Bash (Bourne Again SHell) is one of the most commonly used command-line interpreters or shells in Unix-based systems, such as Linux and macOS. It provides an interface for users to interact with the operating system by executing commands, running scripts, and managing...
Ubuntu 22.04 – Add User to Sudoers
Use the usermod command to add user to sudoers group usermod -aG sudo username
Ubuntu 22.04 – Change hostname – hostnamectl Command to change Ubuntu hostname through CLI without rebooting hostnamectl set-hostname new-hostname There are other useful options that you can use with hostamectl command If you are a developer than showing the host...
Ubuntu 22.04 – Check Ubuntu current version – lsb_release Here are the methods and commands to check ubuntu version 1. Using the lsb_release -a command2. Checking the file /etc/lsb-release or /etc/os-release3. Checking the file /etc/issue4. Using the hostnamctl command 1....
Basic Ubuntu Commands that is useful
For Beginners it is Important to take note that linux commands are CASE sensitive. In this section I have list down the commands that are frequently used by me in my lab setup. 1. sudo sudo – command that allows you to run programs or commands with administrator...