For Beginners it is Important to take note that linux commands are CASE sensitive. In this section I have list down the commands that are frequently used by me in my lab setup.
1. sudo
sudo – command that allows you to run programs or commands with administrator privileges. It is a best practice in production environment to login as a normal user and use sudo to execute administrative commands.
2. apt-Get
apt-get – is one of the most important command for beginners. It is use to install, update, upgrade and remove packages. Especially in a lab environment you will use this very frequently.
2.1 apt-get update
2.2 apt-get upgrade <package name>
2.3 apt-get install <package name>
2.4 apt-get remove <package name>
3. dpkg –list
dpkg –list – is useful find out what are the packages that you have installed. Especially if you are trying to update a certain application and wants to check if you have that installed.
. cd
cd – is similar to change directory in windows and you use this command to navigate and to change the current working directory. Some common use.
4.1 cd .. Takes you up one directory level.
4.2 cd / Takes you to the root directory
4.3 cd – takes you to the previous directory
4.4 cd <follow by the whole directory path> | e.g cd /var/log/ will bring you to the directory where logs are stored.
5. ls
ls – similar to dir in Windows. is the command that you use to list the files or folders.
6. pwd
pwd – print working directory displays the full pathname of the current working directory
7. cp
cp – copy command to copy a file / files.
8. mv
mv – move command to move a file / files.
9. rm
rm – remove files
rmdir – remove an empty directory
rm -r – remove a directory along with its content.
10. mkdir
mkdir – creates a new directory
11. history
history – command to displays all of your previous commands