Iptables is a very useful linux firewall for protection and learning of how the ip packets transverse the linux system. Although the newer nftables is starting to gain popularity as well as ufw and firewalld due its simplicity as well as add GUI capabilities it is...
Configure IPTABLES port forwarding to nested Guest VM in KVM (Default NAT virtual bridge) – Ubuntu 20.04
For those using iptables and would like to configure iptables allow http and RDP access to the Guest VMs. Here are the steps to configure and explanation of the rules. 1. Configure the iptables use the nat table to route the mapped port to the guest VM IP address and...
IPTABLES Basics Understanding – Ubuntu 20.04
In this tutorial, I will share my learning and understanding of IPTABLES. There are a few things that will help in your understanding and configuration of: . TABLESTables form the basis of the IPTABLES where chains and rules are created base on the tables that the...
Install pfSense on VMWare ESXi 7.0 U2
This is quick tutorial to setup pfSense. I decide to try out pfSense for routing. Was deciding between VyOS and pfSense and since I have used pfSense before, I have decide to try out pfSense. For those who are looking at using vSphere vCenter. This video does not do...
UFW basics – Debian 11
OS: Debian 11 (Bullseye) In this tutorial I will show you how to quickly install ufw in Debian 11. Do take note that if you do not specific the protocol by default both TCP and UDP protocol will be enabled Install ufw in Debian. sudo apt install ufw First lets allow...
UFW basics – Ubuntu
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTSUFW: 0.36 UFW (uncomplicated firewall) is the default firewall configuration tool that runs on top of iptables, included in Ubuntu distributions. For those that are looking at using the GUI configuration option. You can check out Gufw. By default...
Nmap Quick Guide
In this tutorial I have list down the list of common Nmap commands that might be useful. Target Specific SwitchExampleDescriptionnmap a single IPnmap specific IPsnmap 192.168.33.*Scan a...
Nmap – Target Specific – Demo
Demo on Nmap Target Specific Commands. Target Specific SwitchExampleDescriptionnmap a single IPnmap specific IPsnmap 192.168.33.*Scan a rangenmap www.dracocybersecurity.comScan a domainnmap...
NFTables – Beginners Guide – Debian
OS: Debian 11 (bullseye)nftables version: 0.9.8 (E.D.S.) For those of you that are familiar with iptables by Netfilter. You might be interested to learn nftables which is available in linux kernels >= 3.13. The good news is it comes with a compatible layer that...
Basic Ubuntu Commands that is useful
For Beginners it is Important to take note that linux commands are CASE sensitive. In this section I have list down the commands that are frequently used by me in my lab setup. 1. sudo sudo – command that allows you to run programs or commands with administrator...