For those of you who started using Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish and realized the conventional way of editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config does work. Hope this tutorial is useful and nothing else changes. This works as of Feb 19 2023. I am not sure when this started but in...
SSH Tunneling – Remote Port Forwarding – Debian 11
OS: Debian 11 (Bullseye) You have seen my tutorial of Local Port Forwarding and should have a basic understanding of how SSH Tunneling work. If you have not seen the tutorial you can go to the link below on how to setup local port...
SSH Tunneling -Local Port Forwarding – Debian 11
SSH Tunneling or SSH port forwarding is a way where you can access application leveraging on the SSH ports and tunnel in the event that you do not want to open additional ports on your firewall. In this tutorial I am going to show you how...
Enabling SSH Key Login
OS: DebianSSH: OpenSSH 8.2p1 Enabling SSH Key Login is a great way of protecting your SSH access to the cloud server. In the event that you still prefer password login (For convenience if you access the SSH server from multiple machine and does not want to port your...
Grep and cut Command by example with SSH logs – Brute Force
Linux: Debian 11 Grep is a very useful tools to quickly look through logs and text file. In this tutorial by example I will go through some useful commands and options that you can use to quickly get the ip address and username that is use to brute force your ssh...
Python 3.9.2 – File and Exception – SSH Brute Force IP address
Python is one of the most commonly use scripting tools. As a cyber security professional it is always good to have a few scripting language up your sleeve. It is always important to be able to understand simple logs and use a scripting tool to get high level...
Manually Resetting WordPress User Password through SSH
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTSDB: MariaDB 10.3.34Wordpress: 6.0 In this tutorial I am going to show you how to change the Wordpress User Password through SSH and mysql statement in 6 simple steps. Always backup you configuration before making changes so...