Ubuntu 22.04 – Check memory usage – free | top

https://youtube.com/shorts/x6N1uD1CSd0?feature=share In Ubuntu (and Linux in general), "free" refers to the amount of unused RAM (Random Access Memory) available on your system, which you can check using the "free" command in the terminal; essentially, it...

Ubuntu 22.04 – Check disk usage – df | du

https://youtube.com/shorts/3KlDF59ABuM?feature=share In Ubuntu, "df" stands for "disk free" and is a command used to display the amount of available disk space on a mounted file system, essentially showing how much free space is currently available on your system.  df...

Ubuntu 22.04 – What is Bash and its config

Bash (Bourne Again SHell) is one of the most commonly used command-line interpreters or shells in Unix-based systems, such as Linux and macOS. It provides an interface for users to interact with the operating system by executing commands, running scripts, and managing...

Ubuntu 22.04 – Change hostname – hostnamectl

https://youtube.com/shorts/6gWG9n2Hq8I Command to change Ubuntu hostname through CLI without rebooting hostnamectl set-hostname new-hostname There are other useful options that you can use with hostamectl command If you are a developer than showing the host...

Deploy FMCv 7.4.1 in KVM – Ubuntu 22.04

The Secure Firewall Management Center Virtual (formerly Firepower Management Center Virtual) Appliance brings full firewall functionality to virtualized environments to secure data center traffic and multi-tenant environments. The management center...

Cron Job

A cron job is a scheduled task or automated job that runs at specified intervals on Unix-like operating systems. The name "cron" comes from the Greek word "chronos," meaning time, and it is a time-based job scheduler in Unix and Unix-like operating systems. Cron jobs...

How to disable password for sudo command

Disable password for sudo command has its risk and convenience so do assess the risk for your environment before disabling it. I usually disable it in my test/lab environment as the risk is lower there and I do not want to keep entering password for sudo commands. Of...

Windows 10 – Create Template using Sysrep

Creating Windows machine template has become important part of automation and testing. In this tutorial I will cover different aspect of creating a VM template. This similar for VMWare, OracleBox, KVM and most general virtualization technology. Depending on how you...

Changing Ubuntu 22.04 Hostname through CLI

Here are the steps to change the Ubuntu hostname. To check your current hostname and summary of your machine. hostname hostnamectl There a few ways to change your hostname. sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <new hostname> # Manually changing it in the hostname file...

Bash Prompt in Linux – Change the prompt temporally

OS: Linux You should be familiar with Bash prompt if you are a linux user. Whenever you start a terminal the command line interface of the Linux server you should be using Bash as a default unless you have change the default shell to something else. Bash prompt is set...

Install KVM on Ubuntu 22.04 Server

Install the cpu-checker to check if your system support virtualization. sudo apt install -y cpu-checker Run the command to see if the sys kvm-ok Install all the necessary packages. sudo apt install -y qemu-kvm virt-manager libvirt-daemon-system virtinst...

Ubuntu 22.04 ssh port change additional steps

For those of you who started using Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish and realized the conventional way of editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config does work. Hope this tutorial is useful and nothing else changes. This works as of Feb 19 2023. I am not sure when this started but in...

Basic Network Configuration for Ubuntu 22.04

Let's start with the basic. To check the ip address assign or interface available. ip address Another command to help identify all network interfaces available to your system is lshw sudo lshw -class network ethtool is a program that displays and changes Ethernet card...

Enabling SSH Key Login

OS: DebianSSH: OpenSSH 8.2p1 Enabling SSH Key Login is a great way of protecting your SSH access to the cloud server. In the event that you still prefer password login (For convenience if you access the SSH server from multiple machine and does not want to port your...

Mount additional hard disk in Ubuntu 20.04 – Contabo

To mount additional hard disk in Ubuntu in Contabo. You will need to have root privilege to do it.Use fdisk to identified the disks in the system. Below is the link for the official guide https://contabo.com/blog/mounting-additional-hard-disks-linux/ fdisk -l If the...

Configure Default Route using ip route – Ubuntu 20.04

While setting up your lab environment sometime it is useful to change the default route. In this tutorial I will show you how to quickly configure the default route and some of the commands to check the config. Using the command ip route add You can use ip route / ip...

Install Xrdp Server – Debian 11

OS: Debian 11 (Bullseye) Xrdp is the open-source implementation of the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP that allows you to control a remote linux server graphically. For any technical folks especially pentester that are doing web penetration testing using kali...

How to create a VLAN in Fortigate 60F

In this quick tutorial, I am going to show you how to create a VLAN in Fortigate 60F To create a VLAN for the lab go to Network -> Interfaces, then select the interface that the VLAN for the tunnel is going to be and click on Create New. Select Interface. Enter a name...

UFW basics – Debian 11

OS: Debian 11 (Bullseye) In this tutorial I will show you how to quickly install ufw in Debian 11. Do take note that if you do not specific the protocol by default both TCP and UDP protocol will be enabled Install ufw in Debian. sudo apt install ufw First lets allow...

UFW basics – Ubuntu

OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTSUFW: 0.36 UFW (uncomplicated firewall) is the default firewall configuration tool that runs on top of iptables, included in Ubuntu distributions. For those that are looking at using the GUI configuration option. You can check out Gufw. By default...

Nmap Quick Guide

In this tutorial I have list down the list of common Nmap commands that might be useful. Target Specific SwitchExampleDescriptionnmap a single IPnmap specific IPsnmap 192.168.33.*Scan a...

Nmap – Target Specific – Demo

Demo on Nmap Target Specific Commands. Target Specific SwitchExampleDescriptionnmap a single IPnmap specific IPsnmap 192.168.33.*Scan a rangenmap www.dracocybersecurity.comScan a domainnmap...

Basic Ubuntu Commands that is useful

For Beginners it is Important to take note that linux commands are CASE sensitive. In this section I have list down the commands that are frequently used by me in my lab setup. 1. sudo sudo – command that allows you to run programs or commands with administrator...